A new, convenient way to shop! Use your phone to scan your items and then bag them as you go!
Available exclusively at the following Tops Locations:
First, download the SHOP+SCAN app through Google Play or the App Store. Next, connect to Tops Guest Wifi. Scan your Tops BonusPlus barcode to start saving. Scan and bag as you go! You'll be able to see your running total while you shop and watch savings add up instantly with automatic discounts. When you've finished your shopping, visit any self checkout for fast and easy checkout.
Bring your reusable bags and prep your cart before shopping
For loose bakery items, look for these barcode tags on the self-service bakery cases
Visit scales throughout the produce department for weighed items. Place the item on the scale. Enter the PLU. Print then scan the barcode on the sticker with your phone
To purchase gift cards, set the card(s) aside. You'll need to ask a store associate to process the card(s) at checkout