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Tops Brand Products

TOPS Brand Products

Your family always comes first. And, while it can be difficult to create nutritious meals that fit within your schedule and budget, you take pride in what you place on your table.

That's why your friends at TOPS are constantly working to improve our products, so that you can give your family delicious, high-quality foods at an affordable price. We're excited about the changes we've made to TOPS Brand Products, with cleaner, simpler ingredients and great new packaging on more than 2,000 products.

We'll continue to work hard every day to provide the taste, quality and value you need for a home made happy.

All smiles with
TOPS Brand Products

Switch Debug Code

This code is used by the webmaster to track down website problems, please ignore the following chart.

Item Value
vURL_Path TopsBrands/
vWebApp TopsBrands
File Exists false
vStub /OurBrands/pages/TopsBrand_s.las
File Exists true
aAppElements array
vAppElementsCount 0

Version Object Tests

$versions >= 'Consumer Accounts,6.0.0': true

variable_defined('versions'): true

Retailer's App Versions

App Retailer's Version Default Version Latest Version
circulars 6.7.13
consumer accounts 6.0.0
contact us 3.0.3
coupons 1.1.5 1.6.0
grocery newsletters 1.5.1
PDF circulars 1.1.0
recipes 4.7.2
shopping lists 3.17.5
store locator 2.10.0
donations 1.0.0
* client_IP:
* $vS->type: string